Hey Scoobies! It's time to run, jump, skip... get quick to your comic book store to pick up #16 of Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season Eight. It'll be the best three bucks you've spent in a while.


That's right! Melaka Fray--last seen five years ago--is back. Not to give too much away, but let's just say Buffy finds herself in the New York of the future where Fray is kicking ass.. including Buffy's. The issue is beautifully drawn by Fray's very own Karl Moline who will do all the issues in the Fray story arc. It looks amazing, and it felt way too short--so it's going to be a long July.

Check out this good (SPOILER-filled) article about the upcoming plot points of Season Eight on the MTV site.

EXCITING ALSO! Whedon fans are going to head to Dark Horse's MySpace page for a really exciting new web comic! Go now. Perhaps you need a two-word motivator? Dr. Horrible. Over and out, for this Whedon Wednesday.