
Don't forget, Blogtown readers--today's your last chance to try to win $100 by entering the Mercury's Sexy Essay Contest! Details are below.

Remember losing your virginity in high school? Or college? Or (gulp!) junior high school? Did you have a hee-larious mix-up with a condom, a forbidden intimate encounter with a hot teacher, or an all-out pregnancy scare? Did you first do it in a car, at a football game, or in an empty classroom? If so, we want to hear from you--and just like in school, we want you to write an essay! In 300 words or less, detail your funniest, sexiest, weirdest, most awkward, best, or worst story about losing your virginity--and if yours is the best, you'll win $100 cash money, along with bragging (or denying) rights when your story is published in the Mercury's upcoming Back to School Issue! (Don't worry! If requested, we'll run the stories anonymously.) Email your tales of love and woe to no later than Tuesday, September 2!