Friday's All Things Considered on NPR had a fascinating piece with 15 voters from York, Pennsylvania, who candidly discussed the issue of race. One white woman, Leah Moreland, had this to say about her fears:

"I don't want to sound racist, and I'm not racist.... But I feel if we put Obama in the White House, there will be chaos. I feel a lot of black people are going to feel it's payback time. And I made the statement, I said, 'You know, at one time the black man had to step off the sidewalk when a white person came down the sidewalk.' And I feel it's going to be somewhat reversed. I really feel it's going to get somewhat nasty."

Moreland says she doesn't think all black people will "want payback." "I'm not talking about you, and I'm not talking about them [the black voters also being interviewed]. I'm talking about the people that are out on the street looking for trouble. Putting a black man in the White House -- and if he gets there, he gets there; I'm going to live under his presidency and everything. And I'm still going to be friends with anybody black that wants to be my friend and everything. But I really feel there's going to be a time of adjustment. I really feel it. I hope I'm wrong. I hope I'm wrong."

After letting that bounce around my head all weekend, I saw this poster in a new light:


What I see as an exciting community celebration will, apparently, be viewed as evidence of impending "chaos" by others.