ON THE BLAG!!! The Chicago Tribune reports that Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich and his chief of staff John Harris were taken into custody this morning by FBI agents. The two were arrested on federal corruption charges...The CT reports they were "accused of a wide-ranging criminal conspiracy that included Blagojevich conspiring to sell or trade the Senate seat left vacant by President-elect Barack Obama in exchange for financial benefits for the governor and his wife. The governor was also accused of obtaining campaign contributions in exchange for other official actions." It's time for the high school yearbook photo:


GREEK MADNESS!!! The Greek government has convened an emergency meeting to discuss what to do about mass rioting by youth across the country following the police shooting of a young man there two days ago. Perhaps they should confiscate all the country's plates...

SAY SOMETHING NICE ABOUT BUSH!!! His staff get a list of "talking points," in case they're tempted to agree with the majority of the American public on his contribution to the country over the last 7.5 years. SEVEN AND A HALF YEARS. Jesus Christ.

9-YEAR-OLD AUTHOR SCORES MOVIE DEAL!!! Does anybody know where I can buy a revolver?

SONY CUTS 8,000 JOBS!!! Or as the New York Times writes, it "trims" them. I wonder what it must feel like to "trim" 8,000 jobs...

PAKISTAN ARRESTS TWO TERROR LEADERS!!! In a desperate bid to stop India from going ape-shit in the wake of the Mumbai attacks.

BEECH BONK BRIT BACK AT DUBAI BOOZER FOR BEER AND BIRD BENDER!!! And guess where you can read all about it...

Good day.