When it was announced that Watchmen was finally gonna get made into a movie, fanboys across the internet cried out in terror and glee. Rumors and speculation and panic were loudly typed back and forth. But in all that limp-wristed hand-wringing, the focus of concern was always on the film itself—perhaps because the very notion is so fucking bewildering as to be batshit insane, no one ever worried about the Halloween costumes.

Behold the officially licensed Watchmen costumes, coming to stores this Halloween! For as little as $65, you'll be able to easily creep out everyone at your office's crappy Halloween party. It's your call as to who you want to dress up as in order to impress Jenny from accounts payable: Will you be the impotent superhero? The sociopathic superhero? How about the rapist superhero?


SPOILER ALERT: No matter who you choose, Jenny from accounts payable is going to snicker derisively whenever you awkwardly straighten your cape while sipping fruit punch. More at watchmencomicmovie.com; via The Beat.