The Salt Lake Tribune obtained this video of Mormon security guards—four of 'em—confronting, pulling apart, roughing up, and handcuffing the gay couple who shared a kiss on a plaza—a formerly public plaza—in front of the main Mormon temple in downtown Salt Lake:

Trespassing charges against the men have been dropped
because, according to the local prosecutor, the men believed they were in a public place and not on private church property.

Salt Lake City Prosecutor Sim Gill said Wednesday he will not prosecute a gay couple cited for trespassing after they shared a kiss on the plaza. "The two individuals believed—albeit mistakenly—that they had the right to be there," Gill said. "Fairness requires that either that property be not open to the public or you condition that [openness] in a way that the person who comes on understands that it is private property."

A nationwide kiss-in protest is being planned for August 15. Kiss-Ins have been announced in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Chicago, Iowa City, Little Rock, Salt Lake—and according to the group's Facebook page, Portland.