
I get to see Where the Wild Things Are tonight. I'm stoked. Know what's making me even more stoked? This interview at Newsweek—a roundtable between Wild Things' brain trust of Maurice Sendak, Spike Jonze, and Dave Eggers. It's full of stuff like this:

What do you say to parents who think the Wild Things film may be too scary?

Sendak: I would tell them to go to hell. That's a question I will not tolerate.

Because kids can handle it?

Sendak: If they can't handle it, go home. Or wet your pants. Do whatever you like. But it's not a question that can be answered.

Jonze: Dave, you want to field that one?

Eggers: The part about kids wetting their pants? Should kids wear diapers when they go to the movies? I think adults should wear diapers going to it, too. I think everyone should be prepared for any eventuality.

Via We Love You So.