is amazing. It's a newspaper—a healthy, hearty newspaper with which much obvious care has been taken. Ezra already tried to steal the sports section (with writing from FreeDarko and Stephen King); I had to pry myself away from a new George Saunders story in the books section. In the food section, full-color photographs of the 52 steps it takes to get a lamb from farm (aww, baby sheep!) to table (yum, lambchetta!). And then there's the funny pages, a who's who of contemporary American cartoonists—Chris Ware, Art Spiegelman, Seth, Daniel Clowes, Adrian Tomine. It's been a while since I've been this excited about a printed thing.

Powell's is completely sold out, but you can order it directly from McSweeney's, here. And you should. (And if you win our Reading is Fun-Damental auction package, a one-year subscription to McSweeney's shall be yours, among other great stuff.)


In other Print's Not Dead news, at last night's Mercury office party, I snagged a Snuggie in the white elephant gift exchange. It came with a book light.