
The death of Glen W. Bell Jr., the man who created Taco Bell, was announced last Sunday on the company's website according to this NY Times obituary.

I'm not going out to eat a Taco Bell taco today and record my thoughts (you're welcome) mostly because those crunchy morsels remain a minuscule part of my diet. Frankly, I'm disturbed by my occasional lazy/drunken crunchy taco cravings. And it's always the crunchy tacos; those based, I presume, on Bell's original cart taco with the crunchy shell that he invented in order to make them quicker to produce.

For some reason, I feel that people give Taco Bell a pass more readily than other fast food. I have known otherwise reasonable people who will seek out the fast food joint for reasons ranging from “health,” to “lesser of all evils,” to “nowhere else right now will allow me to slur a taco order into their metal order-receiving-box-drive-thru-thingy.” (I'll take this moment to say that driving drunk is NEVER acceptable—even when tacos call).

So, here's to you Glen Bell. I hope you've not wound up in taco hell.*

And while we're at it. You should check out Food Dude's recollection of Taco Bell from back in his college days. Based on his loving description, I can only guess FD went to college in, like, 1884.

*Marjorie made me include this phrase