I'm just going to link you to this great story by Oregonlive reporter Steven Mayes. Steve: When they eventually lay you off over there, you're more than welcome to freelance for peanuts at the Mercury news section. This is the kind of story we love:

When Robert J. Ekas decided to exercise his right to free speech, he didn't open his mouth.

He hoisted his middle finger.

His single-digit protests, aimed at Clackamas County sheriff's deputies last year, resulted in a verbal showdowns, traffic tickets and, ultimately, a federal lawsuit.

It's such a beautiful story. Let us know, Blogtown readers, how your own first amendment protests are received here in Portland. Speaking of protests, there's another one on Friday:
Rally for Justice: Stop Police Violence! Join the Struggle for Justice for Aaron Campbell—Where do we go from here?

Friday, March 5, 2010, 6:30 PM, Emmanuel Temple, 1033 N Sumner *Hear the voices of our youth*