• Valve Software

We Mac gamers are a hearty few. Like Oregon's original settlers, we survive on gorgeous user interface, intuitive program design and millions of dead beavers ...

Wait, that didn't make any sense. Let me start over. *cue record scratch*

Hey there hipsters!

I see you propped up behind that MacBook, smugly sipping your coffee, sneering at PC owners, but secretly wishing you could use the fancy laptop your parents bought you to shoot something. Valve Software (the people behind Half-Life, Left 4 Dead, Portal and the industry-leading Steam downloadable gaming service) apparently took a look around their Seattle-area HQ and noticed that maybe us Mac owners aren't such a freaky outlier anymore. Maybe, just maybe, there's enough of us to comprise an "audience" for their games.

Thus, we get images like the above. Feel free to speculate wildly at what this might mean for the future of Steam and Valve's classic games. Thinking about it too much makes my head hurt, so I'm gonna go lie down.

(Propers to RockPaperShotgun for sharing the above image, Valve for sending it to them, and Jesus for making this all possible.)