
Popeater's got the details of Conan O'Brien's first stop on his nationwide "Legally Prohibited From Being Funny On TV Tour" that kicked off in Eugene last night—but here's the long and short of it.

"This is the first time anyone has paid to see me. They've paid me to go away," O'Brien told Monday's audience of more than 2,500, an obvious reference to the former 'Tonight Show' host's $32 million exit deal with NBC in January. During 'The Legally Prohibited From Being Funny On TV Tour,' O'Brien worked the stage hard, joking, dancing and even making costume changes that, at one point, included a pink leather outfit.

Warning that "lawyers are watching," O'Brien told the crowd that he was barred from performing on TV, radio or online for the near future and that ownership of some of his bits was in question. That didn't stop him from including a Triumph routine or bringing out the Masturbating Bear, who with a small costume adjustment became the Self-Pleasuring Panda.

Niiiice. Okay, so maybe this TBS gig won't be so bad after all. Especially since Conan will literally own the show, and TBS worships him enough to let him do whatever he wants. The ball's in your court now, Coco!

More pix and details from last night's show here.