
I'm working on a piece about On the Table, a show opening next weekend from one of my favorite (mostly) local companies. On the Table is Sojourn Theatre's first show in Oregon since TBA:08's Built, and aims to explore notions of identity and place in Oregon's urban and rural environments (themes that the development-focused Built kicked around as well). The first act of the show will be staged for separate audiences in Portland and Molalla, the second act will unfold on a bus that brings the audiences together, and the third act will be staged at a catered dinner in the halfway point between the two cities, which happens to be Oregon City—the endpoint of the Oregon Trail. (The dinner will be Mexican, provided by MayaHuel >Catering.) The above image is from Mololla's Buckaroo Parade, which Sojourn was invited to participate in last weekend.

The show was recently featured in an American Theater article about the theater companies incorporating food into their performances (speaking of, did you guys read Lindy West's Gallagher piece? Highly recommended); it's definitely one of the shows I've been looking forward to most this year, based both the subject matter, and on how thoughtful and well-organized their high-concept shows have been in the past. Tickets are crazy cheap ($15, or there's also a pay-what-you-will night!). Tickets and more info are here.