Good Samaritan India has overlooked cranky neighbor relations of the past to help Pakistan with flood relief.

Truth or smear? WikiLeaks founder is accused of rape.

Watch out for the bad egg — er, half a billion of them.

And speaking of chickens...don't count them before they hatch, right? Sudan's got a plan to get rich quick and, with the money, build Dubai-like cities in the shapes of animals. Um, yes that definitely sounds more important than hospitals and schools!

Russians and Iranians have started loading fuel into Iran's first nuclear reactor. Iran promises it only has peaceful intentions.

Hold on tight! It looks like California is overdue for a huge earthquake.

Surprise! Detectives working on a heroin investigation in Portland found a pipe bomb instead.

Feeling lazy? Well this dog in a wheelchair just climbed a mountain, so where's your excuse?

High-end business meeting rooms are now trying out installing grass instead of carpets, to inspire "childhood creativity" in guests.

The weather in Portland will be fairly cool this weekend — yes, even raining tomorrow (big surprise). But this week will get hot and sunny and stay mostly in the 80s, to cool off to the 70s again next weekend.

And finally, it's the annual Corgi Walk in the Pearl today! In honor of which, please enjoy the following short clip of corgies singing happy birthday to the Queen (yes, it's old, but its just soooo cute!) and happy Saturday!