It is a bit like watching Big Brother. The crowds, the cheering (no booing yet thankfully, though I was worried for Carlos Mamami, the only Bolivian). Then the interviews, the money, the book deals. But there is a difference. You care.

From Sam Wollaston's "TV review" of the Chilean Miner Rescue in today's Guardian.

Need more proof that this rescue is a reality soap? The Mail Online says that Chilean miner Yonni Barrios was rescued and met up top—not by wife, but his MISTRESS. The wife refused to come, saying that both women were invited to the rescue, and that it's "either her or me." TOTAL DRAMA HOLE!

Yonni and his mistress. OOH-LA-LA!
  • Reuters
  • Yonni and his mistress. OOH-LA-LA!