Hey, remember that Liberal Clause book I made so much hay from? It just keeps giving. On the official Liberal Clause website (freedomsanswer.com, naturally) Mr. Hendrick has added a quote from my original blog post plus one from Gawker's Adrien Chen to make it look like we were praising him!

"too good not to be illustrated and published for all children to enjoy." -Dave Bow, "The Portland Mercury"

"powerful political satire." Adrian Chen, Gawker.com

Thank you, thank you! This is too much. Really.
  • "Thank you, thank you! This is too much. Really."

Much like my experience reading The Liberal Clause itself, I would be offended by this attempt to turn the tables if it wasn't so haphazard and silly. That Hendrick (or whomever decided to add our quotes to those of Bob from Texas and Anna from Florida) didn't bother to capitalize our quotes or add ellipses is funny (I imagine him furiously copying and pasting) but the fact that my pull quote makes no sense out of context is so much funnier. At first I thought maybe it was because Chen is a punchier writer than me, but on further review there are definitely some better picks Hendrick overlooked in my post and the article I wrote that week. Here buddy, lemme help you out. This makes both of us look bad.

"...Biting satire..." - Dave Bow, "The Portland Mercury"

"...Charmingly illustrated..." - Dave Bow, "The Portland Mercury"

"...Nazi-grade propaganda..." - Dave Bow, "The Portland Mercury"

"It belongs in the Smithsonian." - Dave Bow, "The Portland Mercury"

But why stop there? Hendrick clearly needs some help. I urge you to send your own pull quote for The Liberal Clause in an email to info@theliberalclause.com. You could be the next Brenda from Ohio!