Just when you thought you were being nice and doing what your mama told, comes this:

Dear Men Who Like to Hold Doors Open—I am not a femi-nazi, a bitch, or even having my period right now. I am simply a person who believes in efficiency of motion, and does not like to rub bodies with strange men under the pretense of courtesy. So when it comes to holding doors open for me, please consider the following: 1.) If I get there first, and I pause for a moment to hold the door open for you, it does not mean that I am questioning the size of your penis. It does not mean that I am thinking about your penis AT ALL. I do it because the act of me pausing for a moment with the door already open expends less energy than you having to open it, and it allows for a smoother flow of traffic entering/exiting the building. Plus it is just a nice, friendly thing to do. So when you stop dead in your tracks and refuse to allow such a violation of traditional male/female roles to take place, and insist on allowing me to go first, you are not only wasting my time, but taking what otherwise could have been a nice, smooth interaction between two friendly human beings, and turning it into something awkward and bumbling. Please stop it. 2.) If you would like to hold a door open for me, I would be delighted to walk through it. Granted that you are standing OUTSIDE OF THE DOORWAY. If you position your body inside of the door frame, standing sideways while awkwardly holding the door with one arm extended and the other gesturing in front of your groin to indicate that you would like me to try to squeeze through the remaining inches between you and the frame, well, I'd rather not. That is not chivalry. That is disgusting. Please, PLEASE, stop it. Thank you.—Anonymous

Actually, she does make a valid point. Make yours with I, Anonymous!