Guys! The I, Anonymous blog is blowing up today with a bunch of brand new ranty-rants and confessy-confessions. Unfortunately, there is also some poetry. Behold, a tiny snippet:

indentured by debt
buy unpaid wages,
made stupid by law,
castrated by lies.
"we" are not big enough to profit.
"we" are better slaves.
"we" pay "the" government
"they" give it to the salve merchants.

UGH!!! That's fucking horrible. And yet, who am I to judge? It's better to let YOU decide if poetry—good or bad—has a place on the I, Anonymous blog. Read the entire poem (if you can stomach it) and then vote in our policy-making Anony-Poll that will ultimately decide whether poetry will ever again be allowed in this hallowed space!
(Oh, and while you're there, pretend that you care, and submit a rant or confession with flair. IF YOU DARE. Mon frere!)