Space Race, Take Two: The first privately-owned spaceship blasted off this morning, headed to the International Space Station and ushering in a new era of space exploration.

Adequate Punishment?: That Rutgers student who spied on his gay freshman roommate is handed a mere 30 days in jail—infuriating many who thought the hate crime triggered his roommate's suicide.

Meanwhile, in Canada: Montreal students have been protesting tuition increases for a hundred days. Protesters take a page from Seattle's destructive May Day protests and smash windows, burst fire hydrants.

Having a Ball: Last night's NBA playoff game between the Lakers and the Thunder triggered a Oklahoma City shooting, leaving seven fairly injured and one in critical condition.

There Goes the SAT: After analyzing Congress speak, a group announces that Congress has gone from talking like high school juniors to sophomores over the past seven years. Standards?

"I. Am. A. Boy.": Here's an incredibly sweet story of a 5-year-old who demands she is a boy and the thoughts of her accepting parents.

Google It: Ultra-Orthodox Jews rallied at the New York Mets stadium last weekend against the dangers of the internet, as it tempts them to go against their beliefs.

Flesh Feeding Frenzy: A third person in the Southeast battles a flesh-eating disease. WHAT IS HAPPENING.

Positive News of the Day: The Native American Youth and Family Center kicks off plans to construct a low-income housing project for Native Americans in SE Portland.

Let Bill Murray Give You a Tour of Moonrise Kingdom: