Need further proof that the I, Anonymous Blog provides an actual public service, rather than simply being "a troll trap" insidiously designed to lure the worst commenters away from Blogtown something else? Check out this handy advice to dudes whose texting etiquette leaves this gal cold!

It seems that puberty has gone in reverse. That men no longer understand that the use of the expression “LOL” or “☺” is not seen as attractive, but rather as if I am now texting a little brother. As I look at my phone I see an epidemic of these emoticons and text jargon, which honestly puts me off. If we have a conversation via text message and it amounts to 20 messages, do I need 10 smiley faces. And furthermore, the remaining ten of those messages I wrote. Do I really need text messages to contain smiley faces and exclamation points? Are we in middle school again?

SEE?? If it weren't for this person (and I, Anonymous) you'd still be an idiot. No need for thanks, just submit your own rant and/or confession to the I, Anonymous Blog!
