Yesterday, the FBI released its heap of 2011 crime stats (or, the Preliminary Annual Uniform Crime Report). The leading, slightly comforting story here: Violent crime in the U.S. has fallen for the fifth year in a row. The more interesting take: The report breaks down crime rates in all cities with populations over 100,000—meaning we can compare our crime rates to our neighbors'. Because that's always a good time.

Sightline made a handy bar graph
lining up all of the Northwest city "violent crime" (ie: murder, assault, rape, robbery) stats in a row. Have a gander:

  • Sightline

Looking at the FBI's data, Seattle and Portland lead the Northwest in murder rates. However! Two less people were murdered in Portland last year. But, to be honest, this is the only "good" news. Rape, assault, burglary and arson rates are all up from 2010. :(

Meanwhile, no one was murdered in Eugene! So that's something.