It's now the zero hour. If you're planning to serve a traditional Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow and you've yet to procure a bird, you're screwed. Housewives are currently blackening each other's eyes over the last few cans of yams in the grocery aisle much less the crowning jewel of the table. Illustrator Drew Christie has the perfect escape route for you, though. ABC Seafood is still open. Says Christie:

The main inspiration for this piece was my longtime dislike of almost all foods served at Thanksgiving dinner, which for some unknown reason is held during lunchtime. However, my strange character flaw did not find a useful outlet until, on a trip to Colorado, I stumbled upon a book with a beautiful painting of an eel on the cover. The book is “Eels” by James Prosek. In it I discovered that historians agree that eel was likely present at the first Thanksgiving dinner, a fact I had until that moment been completely unaware of.

Watch the full video here.