A newly released memo spells out some of the why, when, and how the United States government is allowed to summarily assassinate one of its own citizens without first winning the blessing of a judge and/or jury. Hint! It has a lot to do with Al-Qaida.

The Bush-era CIA had a lot of help implementing its covert plan of international torture—AKA "extraordinary rendition." According to a new report, more than 50 countries agreed to help host or interrogate terror suspects or otherwise support American operatives.

Facing panic and misery over the imminent specter of blunt, deep, and automatic budget cuts—AKA "sequestration"—President Barack Obama will try to buy a little more time by unveiling a short-term package of spending reductions and tax changes.

After decades of keeping its icy distance Egypt, now led by Islamists, is warmly welcoming Iran and its pugnacious leader, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, for an official state visit.

Dude, you're gettin' Dell!

The little Alabama boy kidnapped nearly a week ago by a neighbor who shot a school bus driver is in decent spirits after he was sprung yesterday. The FBI rushed in to kill the man after deciding he was getting increasingly "irrational."

Long lines at the polls last fall—primarily in Democratic-dominated cities tucked into Republican-controlled states—probably took a significant bite from the left's margin of victory, a new report finds.

Richard the III, unearthed under a parking lot, apparently had a very big chin and a prominent nose and awful, foppish black hair.

North Korea dreams of wiping out an American city (New York?) with nuclear inferno holocaust-type blasts delivered by a bunch of its missiles or maybe a fancy new space shuttle? The scenario—playing against a Muzak version of "We Are the World"—comes right in the middle of more Pyongyang pot-banging about a nuclear test.