Back in August I profiled Brady Lange, a young apparel designer who had just debuted his first collection for men and women at the Pink Carpet Project fashion show fundraiser for Planned Parenthood. At the time he told me, "I'm kind of a perfectionist and I hate when people put something out that I'm like, 'Why? You aren't ready.'"

So the fact that I haven't heard much from him in the months since was maybe not surprising, but I'm happy to report that he's resurfaced. Portland's influx of new apparel designers has felt a little on the wane lately—unlike accessories, which continue to proliferate—and Lange is one of the most promising, with an impeccable background including stints with Adam Arnold, Blackbird, and Grayling. Click over to MOD to find out when and where to connect with Lange and his latest collection.

  • Galen Amussen