How awesome would it be if Bridgetown had a shuttle bus or two to take people to the non-Hawthorne shows and back? It would be pretty awesome. I walked faster than TriMet could get me to the Hollywood for Picture This, which takes your normal stand-up routine and adds a simultaneous illustrator whose tablet sketches are projected on the wall behind the performer. It's a deceptively simple idea that can be difficult to make work. When in doubt, just add a penis:

Phoebe Robinson up there may have enjoyed the process most, if her own hearty laughter was any indication. It's an awkward thing. The performer has to turn their back to the audience to see what's going on on the screen, which is usually a riff on whatever they're trying to say. "Is that me?" they inevitably ask in response to something crude or unflattering being drawn, derailing them from their joke and sometimes leaving them struggling to get back on track. Last night's comics, who also included Moshe Kasher, Myq Kaplan, Chris Fairbanks, Jermaine Fowler, Mike Bridenstine, Cornell Reid, Brandie Posey, and Jared Logan did best when they let it be a bit messy. It certainly seems like a good exercise for the performers to keep their improv instincts sharp and it's good entertainment watching funny people goof off. I'm not totally convinced that it makes for a better comedy show, but it's an interesting change of pace. Plus it gave the world this penis tree. Thank you for that.