
You're probably familiar with award-winning political cartoonist Matt Bors—we run his cartoons in the Mercury, for one, and his comics and essays have appeared in such auspicious outlets as the LA Times, the Village Voice, and the Nation. Bors' work is sharp and angry and funny, and it's packaged to great effect in the new book Life Begins at Incorporation, a collection of cartoons and essays that Bors funded via Kickstarter. (Bonus: It was edited by former Mercury reporter Sarah Mirk!)

I've got a copy of Bors' book to give away—email me with Incorporation in the subject by 5 pm today for a chance to win. (We can send it to you, or you can come pick it up at the office, either way.)

If you don't want to chance it on a contest, you can order a copy of your very own, or pick it up at Powell's, Floating World, or Cosmic Monkey Comics.