We don't get many "thanks!" submissions on the I, Anonymous Blog—but here's one, and it's especially worthy:

To the three people who yelled "Hey, Catch!" and threw an unopened penis pump our way...my buddy and I thought it was hilarious. We were next to Sheridans so you may have come from Taboo (?) Either way it was truly a nice gesture, dear fellows. The following night, when my girlfriend came over I told her the story. She asked if I kept it and where it was. It was under the bed and we tried it out. She used it on me. I don't quite know what the fuck those things are supposed to be used for but we had the best sex we'd had in a long time. So thanks guys and gal! Keep throwing random shit at people!

YOU'RE WELCOME! (You're absolutely certain it was "unopened," right?) Do you have a rant, confession or penis pump you'd like to share with the world? Send it to the I, Anonymous Blog—where we just wanna PUMP (clap) YOU UP!
