An important note to all Burger Week lovers: Victory Bar, owing to overwhelming demand, sadly has had to withdraw from Burger Week. Their fantastic $5 venison-spatzle burger drew so many customers, the strain put on the kitchen and its resources pushed them past the point where they felt they could not put 100% into each item. We completely respect this decision.

Otherwise Burger Week, now in day three of its first year, is going great— in some cases, too great! Some of our participating restaurants are selling a volume of food they're frankly not built for, and it can be an incredible strain on their people and equipment. If a Burger Week participant has sold out for the day, please be understanding and patient. We recommend that you go early, be kind, and request that these amazing creations stay around after the promotion ends. It's everyone's first time trying this, and we could never have hoped for the response you've shown. Thank you for your patience as we work with the restaurants to return sanity to their lives, and please keep showing them your support!