I love it when we get I, Anonymous Blog submissions from deranged potheads... and oh! HERE'S ONE NOW.

How many times must I tell you, "this is my fucking house, I can lite up when I want!" Are you fucking dense or what? Your not going to get a contact high and your not going to feel the effects unless YOU actually smoke. Seriously, I think you need to mellow out and take a puff, or two, you know it might just do the trick. Man, your way too uptight.

Only potheads insist there's no way to get a contact high unless you smoke. Ah well, I suppose I'll just have to "mellow out, dude!" Hey, do you have a scientifically unsound rant or confession you'd like to share with the world? Then mellow out, dude, in the I, Anonymous Blog—where you rant, rant, pass.
