Dear drunk lady who sideswiped a man's car, and took off instead of seeing if the injured man was okay: HIS WIFE IS REALLY MAD AT YOU.

I have a description of you, know what your car looks like, the condition that it is in with the tell-tale white paint from our car, and I am looking for you. I will take my pound of flesh when I find you, and, believe me, I will find you. I hope that guilt suffocates you. I hope you have nightmares about what you did to an innocent, good person. I hope that every time you hear a police siren, you panic wondering if they are coming after you. They will find you lady, and you had better hope they catch up to you before I do. You hurt the man I love, and I will make you pay.

I'm sincerely glad that hit 'n' run driver isn't me. Do you have a rant, confession, or justified threat you'd like to make? Send it to the I, Anonymous Blog—where we make you pay... every single day!
