Just a reminder for those submitting rants and confessions to the I, Anonymous Blog: TRY. Just try a little bit! I've been rejecting anonymooses like crazy lately because they're terribly misspelled one-liners that contain exactly ZERO artistry. Soooo... try a little. Like this person did.

If you were sitting next to me right now, I would take the chair {that I just broke wind on very hard} and hit you on the head with it. I would type up a fake suicide note and staple it to your forehead. To this day, you still give me and my sister nightmares. I'll find you and ruin your reputation. I'll trick you into being the next Mary Kay Letourneau. Revenge is a dish best served psychologically.

Okay, so he's not going to be the nation's next poet laureate. But he's TRYING. Got a rant or confession? Then give it a TRY on the I, Anonymous Blog—where... TRY.
