We do the talking most of the time, but the Letters to the Editor is all about what you have to say (and by "Letters" I mean internet comments too, though it's always nice to be contacted the old-fashioned way). So here's what came out of your collective mouth this week:

—Tessa just loooooooovvvvvves Ann Romano and One Day at a Time, calling her "so unfailingly clever that my admiration stops JUST short of resentful envy." Phew! Good thing, since few emotions drive the plot of violent stalker movies as often as resentful envy!

—Oh, since everyone's obsessed with water right now (and those loathed monster-sized bills for it), Buck wants to make sure we're all clear on one thing: water rates are different than sewer rates. Like, totally different. Same bill is all. Okay? Okay. Resume arguing.

—It ain't easy being in charge of Portland's police. As apheliotropic puts it, "It seems to take an awful lot of courage, conviction, and public support to enact any meaningful and beneficial police reforms anywhere." Sigh.

—pecans05 grumpily complained that our Murder House article wasn't scary. Much like the name "pecans05."


—Teresa heaps more criticism on the mayor's handling of the Right 2 Dream Too relocation clash. Bottom line: "Leave R2D2 alone!!!"

—On a similar note, Reverend Bite Me suggests that city council change its name to "developers' pleasure boys" or "builders' comfort lady."

—ROM seemed to like Zac Pennington's review of Free Birds in a new web column called "Movie Masochist," to the extent that it made him want to revisit Rock-a-Doodle. Win-win?

How 'bout you? Whatcha got?