GOOD MORNING, BLOGTOWN! It's Too High To Get Over (Yeah, Yeah). Too Low To Get Under. (Yeah, Yeah). You're Stuck In The Middle (Yeah, Yeah). And The Pain Is Thunder (Yeah, Yeah). LET'S GO TO PRESS.

Happy Martin Luther King, Jr Day... let's make this a "no shots fired" day.

Syria's biggest foes, the National Coalition, say they will not participate in peace talks unless Iran is DIS-invited by the UN to their party.

New Jersey's Lt. Governor Kim Guadagno calls BS on allegations that she threatened Hoboken's mayor with cutting Sandy recovery aid if she didn't play ball with Gov. Christie's redevelopment plan.

The blossoming romance between presidential wannabe Chris Christie and left-leaning MSNBC has gone south—and are you as unsurprised as me?

Obama calls pot a "bad habit," but doesn't think it's any worse than alcohol. I agree—it just makes you a different type of stupid.

Poor Kenneth Bae—held captive in North Korea for allegedly trying to topple the government—makes a patently fake confession asking the US to keep their nose out of his situation. But he can't possibly mean Dennis Rodman, too?

Aaaaand right on cue: Dennis Rodman checks into rehab.

Two men believed to be fundamentalist Muslim suicide bombers threaten the Winter Olympics... proving you don't have to be gay to be pissed off by the Russians.

Today in celebrity social media apologies: Madonna issues a mea culpa for hashtagging the n-word on Instagram. (Is anybody keeping track of all the famous people apologies? I've counted seven so far in 2014 alone.)

Whups! And here's number eight: A Japanese Airline apologizes for a commercial that was allegedly racist toward Americans. (That's a switch!)

For those of you with an iota of interest: FOOTBALL!

Now here's what's going on in your neck of the woods: This week early morning fog gives way to bright, sunny skies with highs in the upper 40s.

And finally, here's a new video from Rawcus called "White People Crazy" which makes a startlingly good argument for white people being crazy.