Things that are important to Portland this week, as evidenced on this week's Mercury Letters page: Music, ramen, gentrification, and true love. Fair enough!

—Music writer Morgan Troper posited that Falling in Reverse singer Ronnie Radke "is either an ingenious troll or the world's most exquisite choad." Isaac came to the band's defense, saying that it's "like Tommy Wiseau from The Room had a little brother who started a band"... Sounds like too much work to me.

—Exiting Food Editor Chris Onstad took on Boxer Ramen in one of his last restaurant reviews for the Merc, sparking a debate about the pros and cons of its signature dish. All it takes is a look out the window to see why ramen is a commodity that Portland holds precious.

—On a more serious note, people are still debating the larger issues that surround the decision by Trader Joe's to pull out of its plans to build a new store on MLK. It's worth talking about.

—And in honor of Valentine's Day, we got a lovely note from Scott, who met his wife and co-parent through our Lovelab personals site. Really! Speaking of which, have you checked to see if you got a valentine?

There's a reason we call 'em lovenotes.