One scuttled, disastrously tone deaf plan for a new interstate bridge? That'll be $200 million. It's a dispiriting amount of money to have paid for a Columbia River Crossing that will never be built—especially since much of the data generated is probably not useful for future efforts. But here's one interesting tidbit: According to The Oregonian's figures, Oregon only spent $12.2 million in state money on the despised project. Compare that to $48 million in Washington State funds, and $136.5 million from the feds. Here's who got paid.

It's all fun and adorableness until somebody drops the phrase "the simple compassion and care located in every Clackamas tool box."

It's safe to say Portland's got a relatively full—if not always thriving—media landscape. Lots of reporters are working to nail down lots of stories, and sometimes credit isn't given to other organizations for original reporting. Usually, one hopes, that's an oversight. And then some news organizations straight-up lie, as KATU did last night, when it interviewed the wayward young man who peed in the Mt. Tabor reservoir (but who SWEARS HE DID NOT) and called it an "exclusive." In fact, they were a day late for that exclusive.

The woman piloting the South Korean ferry that foundered and sank Tuesday, killing dozens, was a 26-year-old third mate, who'd never steered through the comparatively tricky stretch of water before. The captain was below deck. Both have been arrested, along with other crew members, on charges they abandoned ship.

As troubling and racist and regressive as our legal system can be, it is Lady Justice personified compared to whatever the hell is happening down in Guantanamo.

Much has been made, by administration officials, of the Affordable Care Act's ability to hold down health care costs. But economists have been warning that wouldn't be the case for long. "The question is whether health spending might grow moderately, with a one-time bump from new Affordable Care Act enrollees, or whether it might surge, with potentially damaging consequences..."

It's the same tense, frustrating situation in Ukraine—EXCEPT FOR THE EASTER TRUCE Let's do our best to follow Kiev's example this weekend, everybody.

That may be a tall order in Portland, actually, as gang rivalries have flared leading to a burst of shootings lately. Some perspective, though: What is worrisome violence in the Rose City would look like an armistice in Chicago.

Week Six: Still looking.


Sure, the Spring gloom's upon us. Just be heartened it's not the Winter of '66-'67, when Portlanders couldn't exhibit emotion, and just sort of drove/walked/rode the bus around the city making monotone observations like: "There's no doubt that we're conservative here. That's our way. It always has been. I've been to California, and we don't want that kind of thing to happen here."

What the hell am I talking about? Fragments. I'm talking about Fragments.