It's just one week until the primary election that will probably decide who holds all sorts of important positions, and will definitely decide how our sewer and water system is run. VOTE RIGHT NOW.

More and more, Portland's transportation activist types are rallying around Vision Zero—the premise that no traffic death is acceptable. It's a radical concept in the US, perhaps, but commonplace for some European cities. And since the Mercury won't send me to Stockholm, here's a look at the concept by The New York Times.

Why are you paying for a bunch of West Hill residents to get their sewer connections upgraded? Well, here's why.

You had a bad night three years ago, and now every time you Google yourself, up jumps that unsightly jail mugshot. If you lived in Europe, you might be able to set that right, according to a brand new and utterly game-changing opinion by Europe's highest court.

Enormous glacial chunks of Antarctica are in the irreversible process of melting. That's bad news for beach houses. Anything that would be affected by 12 feet of extra ocean, actually.

Portland cops found a 16-year-old shot dead in a car yesterday. They responded to at least two shots fired calls last night. Summer's coming.

Anybody seen Casey Kasem?

Repugnant Clippers owner Donald Sterling also dislikes people with AIDS, and it didn't take a surreptitious recording to prove it.

Portland's greatest battles on May 12, 2014: Trail Blazers vs. Spurs, TriMet Bus vs. Spurs Bus, your cloud-conditioned skin vs. blinding sunlight.

Nice work, weekend.
