It's Operation American Spring! And it will succeed where previous Tea Bagger "mass protests" in DC didn't. Because this time millions of people are definitely going to show up! Rachel Maddow brings you up to speed...

Right Wing Watch on the plan:

[Organizer Harry Riley] has insisted that “10-20 million people” will descend on Washington, and guaranteed a minimum of 10 million: “We’re trusting there’s going to be about 10 million or more people that are going to be there to back this up, verified, validated. They will be all over D.C. Wherever they can find a spot to stand, that's where they'll be. Around the White House, around the Capitol, on the Mall, all over,” Riley said. “We will wait, we will be there, we will interrupt the traffic, we will interrupt the commerce. We're going to shut the city down.”
Hoping to overthrow Obama’s “socialist-fascist-communist-Marxist dictatorial, tyrannical system,” organizers said they will install a tribunal led by GOP figures such as Sen. Ted Cruz and former congressman Allen West.... After forcibly removing Obama from office, Riley thinks the new government will “move” Obama “over to Guantanamo.”