The '70s were the best years for American film, and the best cinematographer working in the '70s was Gordon Willis. Willis—who shot Klute, All the President's Men, The Godfather trilogy, Annie Hall, Manhattan, and more—died over the weekend, at 82. You don't need a reason to rewatch any of those movies, but appreciating the special kind of genius that Willis brought to them is as good as any.

His black and white photography for Manhattan made it one of cinema’s most visually arresting films. Roger Ebert wrote of Manhattan, “All of these locations and all of these songs would not have the effect they do without the widescreen black and white cinematography of Gordon Willis. This is one of the best-photographed movies ever made… Some of the scenes are famous just because of Willis’ lighting. For example, the way Isaac and Mary walk through the observatory as if they’re strolling among the stars or on the surface of the moon. Later, as their conversation gets a little lost, Willis daringly lets them disappear into darkness, and then finds them again with just a sliver of side-lighting.” (Via.)