The halting march toward total chaos in Gaza continues. Israel agreed to an Egypt-brokered ceasefire overnight, but Hamas says it wasn't privy to that deal, and that its demands haven't been satisfied. When rockets continued to rain onto Israel, fighting resumed in full. And now Israel's talking about escalating.

As that dire drumbeat plays on, an investigation has produced concrete, disturbing details about the abduction and immolation of a 16-year-old Palestinian by three Israelis (apparent revenge for the killing of three Israeli teens).

Funny, if it weren't so worrisome and confounding. KOIN busts a Portland psychologist—whose truthful testimony is relied on for determining if prisoners qualify for release—just casually lying egregiously about being shot—twice.

Beloved Portland street musician "Working" Kirk Reeves didn't get a bridge named in his memory, but it looks like he'll have his own mural.

The NSA's rampant e-pillaging: Possibly fantastic news for the German typewriter repairman, long downtrodden.

The deadliest suicide attack in years in Afghanistan kills nearly 90 civilians.

"One of the most important lessons was that there still exists pervasive and destructive messages directed at women, people of color and other groups that create barriers to success." That's Police Chief Mike Reese, explaining to his officers how his eyes were opened at a recent diversity retreat for white men.

When your tiny, garish cheese vans go missing, there's only one place to look: Copperopolis, California.

There's a new, possibly-doomed push by several liberal lawmakers to enshrine "net neutrality" by shoehorning broadband internet under the canopy of "telecommunications service" and letting the FCC do its thing. Hey, whatever works.

More cougar sightings! This time in Oregon City. Anyone else have a presentiment of impending interspecies warfare?

Chilly weather on the way, y'all.


Just Gary being the dyed-in-the-wool Bad Ass that he is.