Is this a thing other movie nerds have? Favorite animated studio logos? I've got a couple, both for aesthetic and nostalgic reasons:

(Tragically not included in that Universal montage.)

I'm a few days late on this, but I (unsurprisingly) got a kick out of the New York Times' story on animated studio logos, which ranges from Jerry Bruckheimer's now-iconic logo to the malleable one Seth Rogen and Evan Goldberg used for This Is the End. It's an interesting look at how some of the smaller companies brand themselves—and, in some cases, set the tone for the movie that follows. At the same time, it's kind of a horrific look at how the bigger magnates brand themselves—Bruckheimer, naturally, offhandedly drops the fact that he has "a property in Kentucky with three 300-year-old trees," and it turns out that Skydance, the shingle of the megarich David Ellison (brother to the megarich Megan Ellison), is a nod to his "history as a competitive aerobatic pilot, from the age of 13." Yay! Hollywood!