GOOD MORNING, BLOGTOWN! I like the way you do that right thurr (right thurr). Switch your hips when you're walkin', let down you're hurr (let down your hurr). LET'S GO TO PRESS.

The chief of the FAA orders an investigation into last week's fire (and attempted suicide) at a Chicago area air traffic facility, which screwed up flights all over the country.

The shaky truce between Ukraine and Russia got a little shakier today after Russian rebels were accused of killing 12 soldiers and civilians.

President Obama admits he underestimated Islamic State (especially when he made that crack back in January, "If a JV [junior varsity] team puts on Lakers uniforms, that doesn't make them Kobe Bryant."). Well, it's still a pretty sweet burn.

Meanwhile, as airstrikes intensify, Syria's al Qaida pals Nusra Front say they will strike back using any means necessary—even punishing Western countries. (Though get this... some think Nusra Front could be a potential ally in the fight against Islamic State.)

Top dog of the GOP, John Boehner, goes against Obama's airstrike plan saying that at some point, American forces will have to put "boots on the ground" to defeat ISIS.

Meanwhile CNN interviews an ISIS fighter who says of Obama's airstrikes, "We so totally knew they were coming blah blah blah they totally won't work blah blah blah God blah blah infidels blah blah."

The Supremes are meeting behind closed doors today to decide whether or not to rule on same-sex marriages. Expect their decision later this week, or later, or never.

Suspicions of another Guantanamo Bay coverup arise, as the White House tries to block a court case featuring a detainee who has allegedly been brutally force fed.

To further protect victims of sexual assault, California enacts a "Yes Means Yes" law, which affirms that someone who is unconscious, drunk, drugged, or asleep cannot give consent.

The un-marryable George Clooney got married over the weekend. Prepare for howls of agony from One Day at a Time's Ann Romano.

Now here's what's going on in your neck of the woods: A rainy afternoon stretches into tomorrow, but looky there! The sun returns in full force by Wednesday.

And finally these South African street performers will BLOW YOUR FREAKING MIND. (Hold out for the hat trick, because WHAT?!?)