Gay male, Magnum listener, 36-years-old, and from Slovenia here. My boyfriend and I are 17 years in a relationship. How do you make sucking same cock for 17 years interesting again? Bye!

Bored Not So Stiff

Suck that same cock in different places, at different times, and wearing different outfits—and maybe with some new and different witnesses, i.e. keep your relationship monogamous, if that's what you want, but visit sexually-charged spaces and clubs. Established, sexually exclusive couples can (and should!) go to public sex environments—bathhouses, darkrooms, certain parts of certain parks—to mess around with each other.

A few more quick questions... after the jump.

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I am currently lactating. Some people might find this a turn-off. What is the etiquette for sexual encounters? Should I mention this in my 3nder profile? In the first message? When setting up a date? Before bed?

Flowing Lovingly Over

Mention it in your profile and you'll get a million responses from people who find it a turn-on, FLO. If you don't want to hear from lactation fetishists... don't mention the fact you're lactating until bralessness and adult-onset latching is imminent.

I am in a beautiful, loving and healthy relationship with a man that I have known forever and who I feel (almost) completely comfortable with. Our sex life is good and frequent. Here's the question. I am very open with my mind and my body but when it comes to talking about intimacy, I'm a total prude. I can't bring anything up about sex and shy away from expressing any issues when they do sometime come up. What I want to do is find a good "sex book" that covers different ways to satisfy each other. I think we could read it together and it may help me open up verbally. I was wondering if you had any recommendations about good and general sex-ed/kinda-kinky books that might serve this purpose.

Total Prude

There are so many great books out there—too many to name—but if you live in a city with a woman-owned, sex-positive, sex-toy store like, say, She Bop (Portland) or Smitten Kitten (Minneapolis) or Venus Envy (Halifax) or Babeland (New York and Seattle) or Come As You Are (Toronto), TP, your best bet is to get to a store, browse through the books section, and find a title that works for you. But if you must have a recommendation: order a copy of Erika Moen's Oh Joy Sex Toy. It's a illustrated/critical guide to sex toys that's also a pro-kink, pro-queer, pro-everybody sex-ed book. And it's fucking funny, TP, and there's nothing like a good laugh—provided by Erika's sense of humane and profane sense of humor (which is evident in the text and the illustrations)—to help relieve prudish tension and keep a sex convo going.