In this excerpt from an I, Anonymous Blog posting, a cyclist has a unique take on how to deal with people yelling at him for running stop signs: HE IGNORES THEIR EXISTENCE.

At least once a week some fuckstick yells at me for jumping a green light or running a red light when there's no right of way traffic involved. It happened this morning, yet again.

First he yells at me for jumping the green light. Then at the next light, with no other traffic around, he yells at me for running the red. I ignore him both times and he speeds up to me and starts yelling again. So I take out my earbud and he says, "oh, I guess you didn't hear me yelling at you back there?"

So I respond, "yeah, I heard you." Then he asks why I didn't stop or acknowledge him. To that I said, "because your existence and yelling are meaningless to me."

Oh, and don't worry, he has a lot more to say on the subject. Read the rest here, and while you're shaking your fist at the air in fury, drop off your own rant or confession in the I, Anonymous Blog—home of your meaningless existence.
